Spot Sable Antelope

Spot Sable Antelope – The sable antelope is a fairly rare animal. There are four subspecies: the Zambian, Common/Southern, Eastern and Giant Sable Antelope, the latter being critically endangered. For the wildlife photographer, it’s a pity they are not more commonly found as especially the bulls are strikingly beautiful. One of the great stuff in Katavi is that sometimes you can spot those marvelous antelopes! Last morning on the way to the airstrip boum!

Spot Sable Antelope Sable and roan – the two magnificent Hippotragus antelope – delight in their majestic bearing, gorgeous coats and rapier horns. Mwayogwe and Said are spot on to find the antelopes. “I saw them yesterday, they can’t have moved very far,” states Ali. Then we see them in the horns of the sable antelope make it one of the most recognizable and sought-after big game species in Africa. These groups are filled with around 12 males where the most dominant is then the next one to join a group of females when the spot is available. Sable antelopes are rather timid but can become aggressive with predators and when fighting for mates and territories. While enjoying a Kruger Park safari with Vula Safaris, we’ll teach you how to spot the difference. If you see a roan antelope in the Kruger National Park, consider yourself very lucky. This antelope is a rare sighting as it is an endangered species. Males which are chased from the breeding herd and who are yet to establish a territory gather in bachelor herds in suboptimal and peripheral spots around territories. The title ‘Ten Most Elegant’ assumes they are placed in some sort of order. The Kudu, certainly warrants its place, a magnificent animal and arguably is first. But the use of the word ‘Elegant’ could only put one antelope in first place, the Sable. It is possible to spot the determined sable antelope fighting off large predators using its protective horns. The best animal viewing points are Longo Forest, Buffalo Ridge, and Giriama Point.
Updated: 29 November 2023 — 11:17